What is MyMedicare?
MyMedicare is a voluntary patient registration system that aims to formalise the relationship between patients, their general practice, general practitioner (GP)
and primary care teams.
What are the benefits?
MyMedicare allows you to nominate a general practice and general practitioner as your regular healthcare provider. When you register in MyMedicare, extra funding from the Australian Government becomes available to support our practice to provide more of the targeted care you need. Patients who register with our practice in MyMedicare may benefit from:
longer MBS-funded telephone consultations, from 1 November 2023
in line with practice fee policy, where appropriate, longer bulk billed telehealth consultations for Commonwealth concession card holders, from 1 November 2023
currently*, Pension/HCC/VA Gold Card Holders can be bulk billed for non-procedural, no extra supplies, standard appointments in the weekday
eligible to join our practice's CDM (Chronic Disease Management) program for whole-person care, where several visits to your nurse and doctor team per year, can be bulk billed
more regular visits from their GP and better care planning for people living in a Residential Aged Care Home, from August 2024
connections to more appropriate care in general practice for people with chronic conditions who visit hospital frequently, from mid-2024.
Formalising the patient-practice relationship, like with MyMedicare, has been shown to improve health and wellbeing, and that is why we are inviting all of our regular patients to register in MyMedicare. Our practice will do our very best to help you register with us, especially if you are in the mature age group as these services can be very beneficial to you in the future.
How to register?
Use your Express Plus Medicare Mobile App. Here is step by step instructions. If you have trouble signing in, please call Services Australia. The Gordon Doctors administration staff can help you if you are stuck after signing on. Just bring in your phone.
Use your Medicare Online Account. You might know this as MyGov if you have linked Medicare to it. If you have trouble signing on, please call Services Australia. Once you are in, here is step by step instructions.
Fill out a MyMedicare registration form here. By signing the form, you are giving your consent to participate in MyMedicare with our practice, Gordon Doctors. Practice staff will then complete the registration in the MyMedicare system. If you cannot fill in the online form for any reason, you can come to reception to fill out a form or download a form here, fill and bring or send it into us.
More questions and information?
If you need more information or questions answered, find out more at health.gov.au/mymedicare. You can also ask our reception or nursing staff to help you.
Here for you.
* Rights are reserved for fee to change in the future without notice. Please check with reception or online for latest fee policy.