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How We Provide for Patient Needs

Gordon Doctors Patient Needs

Emergency/Urgent Appointments

Please advise the receptionist for priority medical attention. Please do not hesitate to tell reception what is happening especially if you have shortness of breath, chest pain, weakness on one side, a child with a high fever or looking drowsy.

Long Appointments

Please advise the receptionist if a double appointment is required. Double appointments are needed if you have more than one issue to discuss, extensive history, medical assessments and examinations, cervical screening in some cases or care plans including Medicare's Mental and Allied Health referrals.

Children's Priority

Children and babies who are sick can be seen as priority on the same day although some wait may be inevitable. Please let the receptionist know at time of booking. Play area and baby changing facility are available. Breastfeeding mothers are welcome and can also use the second waiting room which is quieter.

Translating Service

TIS National Interpreter Service is available where an interpreter is accessible on the telephone. National Relay Service for deaf and speech impaired, is also available. Please advise reception for these services.

Access for the Elderly and Disabled

There are two small steps leading to front door of the surgery. While booking your appointment, please talk to our reception staff to discuss access or arrange a telehealth appointment. Readily available are a ramp that can be setup for you very quickly. A wheelchair and general toilet facility are also available. There is also a Bus Zone Drop Off a few steps from our front door. This is marked with a 'Bus Zone' sign. 

Home and Nursing Home Visits

Arrangements can be put in place with your regular doctor while planning and evaluating your healthcare. This service is privately billed and only available to approved long term patients within a 5km radius of the practice.

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@ 2016 Gordon Doctors

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