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When To Call An Ambulance

ambulance | when to call an ambulance | gordon doctors

While some emergencies are obvious, others are not. Below are a few examples of medical emergencies which would require you to call Triple Zero (000): 


  • chest pain or chest tightness (or where there is a pain in the chest or it is crushing like indigestion lasting more than 5 minutes, pain might spread to arms and jaws)

  • sudden onset of weakness, numbness or paralysis of the face, arm or leg, slurred speech (or severe abrupt headache - not the usual kind - with or without loss of function of arm and leg)

  • breathing difficulties (especially if person unable to speak or cry and has blue lips or mouth)

  • diabetes - when person is not fully awake or not behaving normally

  • unconsciousness or altered conscious state

  • uncontrollable bleeding

  • sudden collapse or unexplained fall

  • unexplained fitting in adult

  • injury from a major car accident

  • falling from a great height

  • serious assault including stabbing or shooting

  • severe burns, particularly in young children

  • infants that are fitting or have an ongoing fever

  • children who are not alert, having breathing difficulty, look pale or are dehydrated should also be looked at


This information should be used as a guide only. If you are unsure about whether a person requires an ambulance, you should call Triple Zero (000).


For non emergencies, call the Gordon Medical Centre on 9499 9999 or after hours on 137425.


The guidelines above are based on information from Ambulance Service of NSW.

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